A coding exercise I did based on John Conway's Game of Life. Game of life is a zero player game or in my case, arguably 1 player game? Put simply, it's a simulator that turns on and off cell blocks based on a few guiding rules and initial input. 

For those unfamiliar with the rules, they are:

  1. Any live cell with < 2 or > 3 live neighbouring cells will die in the next generation.
  2. Any live cell with exactly 2 or 3 live neighbouring cells will continue on to the next generation.
  3. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbouring cells will become a live cell in the next generation


1. You can start by click anywhere on the board to activate a cell. You can also just click the 'Randomize' button to activate multiple cells on the board randomly. 

2. Then just hit the 'Play' button and watch the simulation unfolds.


Right Mouse Click & Hold - Drag around the board

Scroll Wheel - Zoom In & Zoom Out

There are more interface buttons on the board which you can experiment.

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